Health and Healing Sessions with Awakenings
Your experience is real. I believe you.
You know your body best.
Everything is connected and I have some ideas for where to look.
So let’s get to the source of it.
Come sit with me and tell me about your life.
I am here to listen.
I am here to help.
What the Health and Healing Sessions Include
Health and Healing Sessions may include depending on your needs and desires:
- A comprehensive health history assessment (required).
- Screening for dis-ease or imbalance as necessary, including heavy metal toxicity, mineral deficiencies, improper blood cell proportions, microbial (gut) imbalances, endocrine imbalance (hormones), adrenal/thyroid imbalance, blood sugar imbalance, food intolerances/sensitivities including gluten/wheat sensitivity, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), physical exam/assessment of vital organs, breast/chest exam, cervical cancer/HPV (pap smear)
- A proposal for a healthcare plan to aid in optimal health and healing. We oversee and support you in implementing that healing plan and make modifications or complete additional screening as necessary.
- Healing with plant based medicines (herbal, homeopathic & flower remedies), Reiki or other forms of bodywork, energy clearing/energy management meditations, dietary changes including supplements, dietary/bodily cleanses, SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration), lifestyle changes and/or various other modalities within our scope and training.
- Nutritional and lifestyle counseling. These often need guidance and support. We focus on ensuring intake of adequate nutrients and minimizing consumption/exposure to harmful or toxic substances/behaviors/routines. We know this comes in great variation and don’t prescribe to any one way.
- Reproductive health counseling.
- Referrals to local alternative practitioners, as needed.
- Access to our lending library.
The Process
If you’re seeking Health and Healing sessions from Awakenings, we start with a FREE 30 minute phone call to answer any questions and gather enough information to determine where to start or…
Just send us an inquiry letting us know you are interested.
Please be specific with what you’re hoping for with regards to the care. Please share any pertinent information to your history and health, including your main discomforts or areas you would like to focus on.
Getting Started with Awakenings – the Intake Process!
If you’d like to move forward after our initial conversation we’ll set up the first appointment and send you the initial paperwork.
This first session lasts 2-3 hours. We collect as much information about you and your life story as we can with the time we have. We ask lots of questions. You ask us questions. We may complete a physical exam, and possibly order labs. We will begin to make offerings of helpful tips and tool.
With each appointment we will gather more information about you and your life, clarify any questions that may have arisen, provide you with any necessary labs and lab orders and the costs, provide resources and referrals, and make additional offerings to get you started with healing.
Over these first set of sessions, we will formulate a Health and Healing Plan. We will modify the plan as necessary as we continue to gather more information.
As you can see, to get started, several sessions are necessary.
This is holistic healthcare, which means we work with people who are ready to commit to themselves, their healing, get to the source of their health concerns.
- Be prepared to pay for the services in full at the first visit.
Fees for Services
Please request the financial agreement to see the current fees for services. We feel our fees are very generous and hope you do too. You can purchase individual sessions, a starters package and/or packages of four sessions.
We do offer a sliding scale (see other tab). Let us know your financial situation and we’ll decide on a fee that works for all of us.
Additional Expenses: Refundable Deposit
The standard fee does not include any lab work such as microbial gut testing, hormone testing, heavy metal toxicity screening, paps, blood draws, or STI testing. It does not include herbal and homeopathic remedies provided.
These may incur an additional expense.
Because of this, you may be required to pay, separate from the Holistic Healthcare fee, a “Petty Cash Refundable Deposit.”
The “Petty Cash Refundable Deposit” amount varies and depends on what testing/screening you plan to receive. We estimate the cost of these labs. We consider it a deposit because lab fees are always changing and we will not know the true cost until the bill is received. Any expenses exceeding the refundable deposit will be billed accordingly and you are responsible to pay. Any unused funds will be returned.
Sliding Scale
Access to midwifery care is EXTREMELY important to Awakenings. We hope to provide care to all people regardless of income.
As holistic care has grown, it has moved further and further from low-income communities and people of color. In staying true to the values of midwifery, we offer sliding scale and flexible payment plans to those willing to discuss their financial status with us.
We trust you will value and prioritize this quality care over accessories. But even still, it can be challenging to know whether one qualifies for sliding scale. A general guideline is whether or not it creates “Financial Hardship.” Generally, if you have to wonder whether it does or doesn’t, you probably don’t fit that category. If you’re struggling to pay rent each month or can’t purchase the nourishing foods you want, you do qualify.
If you decide a sliding scale applies to you, please consider bartering for a portion of the fee. We are open to your ideas!
Insurance Coverage
If you have a PPO health insurance, you may be able to obtain reimbursement in accordance with your insurance plan for services from providers who are “out-of-network.”
If you would like to bill insurance, we will provide a bill with the codes applicable to the care you received and you can then submit that to your insurer.
We can bill bloodwork labs directly to your insurer.